Metro Atlanta's
Sustainable Art Resource
Scraplanta Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit whose mission is to promote environmental awareness, education, and artistic expression to the greater Atlanta community through the collection and reuse of materials for arts and crafts. When we remove barriers for artists, the community can use art as a tool for healing, liberation, financial freedom, and joy.
How Scraplanta Serves the Community
Art Supply Thrift Store
A joyful shop for the community to de-stash and re-stash on pre-loved craft materials.
Sliding Scale Craft Workshops
An inclusive space where skills are shared and community is created.
According to the National Education Association, K-12 educators spend an average of $500 per school year on classroom supplies. What if they only spent $125? Scraplanta's creative reuse center is open to the general public for all to shop craft materials at 50-75% of the retail price. The proceeds help us host programs around Atlanta and keep our lights on.
Scraplanta's workshops provide opportunities for volunteer artists to share their art and skills with new audiences. Participants pay an average of $10.80 per class to spend an afternoon learning new skills such as book binding, collage, sewing, and even Cricut crafting.
Materials Collection and Waste Diversion
Scraplanta's fight to keep art supplies our of the landfills and redistribute them into the hands of teachers, students, and artists.
Did you know that the average household in the City of Atlanta produces 915 pounds of trash per person? What if there was someone who could make art from their trash? Scraplanta has been able to collect over 119,000 pounds of materials that has turned into everything from movie sets to lampshades! Each donation is sorted by art discipline before being placed on our sales floor. If we can't sell it, we make sure it's recycled through our community partners such as CHaRM, Atlanta Green Theatre Alliance, and Ridwell.
We have two locations. We're located in Adair Park inside of the CreateATL community space on 900 Murphy Ave SW, Atlanta, GA 30310 and in Tucker in the Briarcliff Village Shopping Plaza at 2130 Henderson Mill Rd Atlanta, GA 30345.
Tucker Briarcliff Village Address
2130 Henderson Mill Rd.
Atlanta, GA. 30345
Scraplanta Retail Hours
Tucker Store Hours
Thursdays - Sundays 10am -6pm
CreateATL Store Hours
Saturday & Sunday 11am-5pm
Adair Park CreateATL Address
900 Murphy Avenue SW
Atlanta, GA 30310